Framed Panel Formwork SPF – 50 System

Scaffco light weight SPF 50 Frame system, with its 5 mm Aluminum steel angle profile, is the ideal solution for quick & economical forming, with or without the use of cranes.

Easy Planning

    • Optimized to any structure
    • 4 Panel widths, in 4 height family groups, makes is easy for logistics & planning the forms on structures
    • Flexible tie solution where the ties can be fixed anywhere on the panel

Cost – Effective

    • Long lifespan made possible due to the steel frames
    • Efficiency in forming shaft interior with the help of the Steel Jacky that helps in filling the interior gap of the forms

Fare face Concrete Result

    • Clean concrete finish
    • Co-ordinated panel formats allows for neat joint pattern when connected in parallel or perpendicular
    • The panels can come with welded steel forming sheets

Easy to use, anywhere

    • Handy Steel – framed formwork that can be used for walls, columns & footings
    • Frame connection & design allows the panels for connection in parallel & perpendicular


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